Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back in action!

Hey ladies,

I know it's been a couple months since I posted last but I am back and in full swing with Mary Kay. Now that we are all moved in and the house is more settled I am ready to sell, sell, sell and pamper amazing women.

Did you know that Mary Kay has done a face lift of her own on the website? The new website is suppose to more user friendly. I am very curious about what my customer think. In case you don't remember my Mary Kay website here is the link

Instead of filling up my own Facebook wall with Mary Kay sales I have offering or new products out - I will be posting the sale and product information here on my blog but I will always post the link to my latest blog entry on my Facebook page.

Just wanted to post a friendly entry telling you all know I am back in action and into full swing. Watch out world here I come :)

Hope you had a great weekend. Can't wait to hear from you.

Stephanie Primo